

Are you 15 to 25 years old and keen to get involved with the Fondation Beyeler? Twice a year, we offer an opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of art over a two-month period.
Meetings are led by former participants of the same age as well as by our various partners, and take place on site at the museum. Within a group of fellow young art enthusiasts, you will discuss your questions about art, explore our current exhibitions and develop your own projects for the benefit of other young people. You will enjoy exclusive guided tours, opportunities to exchange directly with our members of staff, and unique glimpses behind the scenes of the Fondation Beyeler. You will further benefit from membership in the Young Art Club and free admission to the museum. Upon completion of your first project, you will receive a certificate of participation for your CV. We look forward to welcoming you!

Participation is free of charge. Registration is required.


Next opportunity for a two-month immersion in the world of art.

Art Lab group in autumn, start Sat, 28.09.2024

This year, the Art Lab Group will take place in collaboration with the OFFCUT Basel materials market, which collects and sells used and residual materials and thus turns them into materials again. Together we are developing an exciting programme and new formats for other young people.



Are you planning a project week about art or even one of our current exhibitions? The participants are between 15 and 25 years old. Then get in touch with us.. Together we will design a customised programme for your here at the Fondation Beyeler. The Art Lab programme is young, hip and up to date. From creative workshops and interactive guided tours to the realisation of your own project for a young public or your school – a lot is possible on request! Get in touch with us and let Art Lab inspire you.


The Art Lab was set up in May 2016. Its format is designed to facilitate peer-to-peer education, in a way that is unique in Switzerland. The young participants have an opportunity to see the inner workings of the Fondation Beyeler and exchange ideas directly with our staff. They are able to explore the current exhibitions through guided tours, followed by group discussion of their individual questions. Together, we devise an art education output for further young people. The Art Lab offers a platform for the young to share and discuss their questions, ideas, and views. Its declared aim is to open up new avenues of access to art for young people.

Art Lab Logo black white

Meret Pardey
+41 61 654 99 06



Naomi Eggli
+41 61 654 99 06



Art Lab Logo black white


Art Lab Workshop "Prêt-à-portrait"

Art Lab has been participating in Basel festivals such as the POLYFON Festival and the Jugend Kultur Festival (JKF) since 2019. We bring along topics for discussion from the current exhibitions at the Fondation Beyeler and you can design your own cloth bag using screen printing and other techniques.


Radio broadcast series "Art Lab On Air – dr jungi Blick uf Kunst"

The series is meant as a platform for open exchange at eye level about issues that matter to young people in the arts. The programme is produced in collaboration with Radio X, while the team itself is, with professional support, largely responsible for the production, presentation and editing. The Art Lab On Air staff accompanies listeners through the current exhibition at the Fondation Beyeler from their perspective as young people. It opens up a dialogue between listeners, experts and the Art Lab team.

For more information and the broadcast archive, visit


Open Studio

The Fondation Beyeler opens its studios for selected exhibitions and invites everyone interested in art and design to the Open Studio. The open event offers the opportunity to delve deeper into the themes explored and working techniques used by currently exhibited artists and to try out different design possibilities. The Open Studio is developed and run by Art Lab.

See calendar

Augmented reality app "ART IN THE PARK"

In 2020 Art Lab realised an augmented reality app on the sculptures of the Beyeler Collection in the park of the Fondation Beyeler. Using the ART IN THE PARK app featuring virtual reality, the six sculptures can be viewed, interpreted and interactively altered. The app creates a multi-perspective extension of what is actually visible.
Download it here for free!

Download App


Art Lab School

We realise tailor-make projects with school classes and student groups. They provide participants their first experience with art education in the museum. In the example shown, 12 students (with a Bachelor of Arts in art and design education at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), Basel, developed three education formats for guests invited to the exhibition CLOSE-UP. The results are a workshop with natural materials, a tool for sharpening one’s own view and an interactive audio guide



If you are interested in the Fondation Beyeler and its various exhibitions and events, we would be happy to keep you informed via newsletters and social media.