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The use of image material may incur copyright fees. According to Swiss Law image material may be used free of charge for press purposes in the context of current reporting. However, this use is only permitted in connection with the current exhibition and within the course of its duration. Please use the image captions and associated copyrights©.

Any further or cross-border use requires the permission of the copyright holder. Please note that Fondation Beyeler is not the owner of these copyrights and expressly declines responsibility for copyright fees arising from the use of image and film material (e.g. from Pro Litteris, VG-Bildkunst or similar institutions).

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Copyright fees may apply for the use of image material. In accordance with Swiss law, the image material may be used free of charge for press purposes in the context of current reporting. However, this use is only permitted in connection with the current exhibition and during its duration. Any further use or use beyond the Swiss national territory requires permission from the copyright holders. The Fondation Beyeler is not the owner of the copyrights and therefore declines any responsibility for copyright fees that may arise from the use of image and film material (e.g. from ProLitteris, VG Bild-Kunst, DACS, ARS, ADAGP or similar institutions).


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